MRPN Planning Policy Manager

PT. eNetwoQ ServIT Indonesia or eNetwoQ is a value & technology based company that provides services in the form of training, consulting and outsourcing. Since 2012, we strive to provide integrative and applicable solutions for our clients while empowering them to enhance the growth of our clients and companies. We aspire to be the number one solution in this regard training and consulting. eNetwoQ is an Authorized Training Partner (ATP) of the Project Management Institute (PMI) and also an Accredited Training Organization (ATO) of PeopleCert. We are currently looking for candidates to become MRPN Planning Policy Manager. If you are interested and meet the qualifications, please register now.

Job Description

  • Implementing the MRPN activity planning for 2024, outlining the major concepts of MRPN,
  • Coordinating and drafting guidelines for risk management implementation within the defined scope of work,
  • Technical mechanisms and risk formulation within the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) and Annual Work Plan (RKP) for 2025,
  • Materials for MRPN committee meetings and other policy-related materials for MRPN planning.

Job Requirment

  • Minimum (Master's) education in risk management, economics, or related fields,
  • Minimum 5 years of work experience in risk management as a head of risk (Government/Donor Agency/Private Sector),
  • Proficiency and experience in risk profile development, implementing control systems, risk-based monitoring/evaluation, overall risk management,
  • Certification in risk management expertise from an officially recognized institution for executive/managerial/technical levels,
  • Experience in interacting with national development planning processes and documents,
  • Experience in strategic foresight methods and horizontal scanning.

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